Saturday, April 25, 2009

My Twin Nephews!

After 11 years of married life, my cousin and his wife have been blessed with twin sons and need I say how excited I am with this great news!
This is the first time that twins have been born to someone in our family tree and that, it has happened to a couple after 11 years of waiting makes it all the more special. To add to it, they are not identical, it seems. Wow! Fraternal twins is such a rarity and we have one such pair in the family :-)
They saw the light of the world on Satuday, 18 April 2009 (Aries is their Sun Sign and Uthradam is the nakshathram), are 2 kg and 1.75 kg strong and were early into the world by 2 weeks. They are doing fine and are enjoying the attention they are getting from the entire world! Phone calls, SMSes, e mails flowing in from all parts of the world, they are the cynosure of all eyes and make their parents proud!
On my part, I am really excited and the excitement refueses to die down even after a week. I am really looking forward to the photographs (for the time being) and also to meeting them in person sometime this August- September! I hope their father is kind enough to forward those photographs to me at the earliest!
In the meantime, I would like to congratulate the proud parents, V and B once again :-)

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