Monday, April 14, 2008

Oh! These women!!!

God created the world and took some rest. Then he created man and took some rest. Then he created women, after that neither God nor man has been able to take rest.
This is one of the funny (but true) quotes about women that I have heard in the past. Honestly, I have not had much issues with understanding women and many a friend has complimented me on what they thought was a very significant aspect of my personality!
But, of late, I have come to realize that I am no better than anyone else belonging to the men folk when it comes to understanding women! They mean what they dont mean, they say yes when they mean no and vice versa, they say they will do something when they actually mean they wont and no one can ever understand the how, when and why of their changing of minds and decisions!
I think it is high time medical sciences recognized women's psychiatry as a branch of study and encourage research on this subject! Probably in another 500 years we might be able to come up with a theory or a reasoning to explain the queer behaviour of women folk in general.
I hope there is some movement towards this at least during my lifetime. I am hopeful and am keeping my fingers crossed...


  1. Since days immorial - Refering Mahabaratha & Ramayana, and even today....undoubtedly, the female ego is the most destructive force today.....and it happens witout anyone realising......
