Sunday, February 24, 2008

"Divide and Rule" in today's world

All those who are interested in history and who have a fairly good idea of Indian History will clearly understand what "Divide and Rule" means. It was the strategy that was successfully employed by the British in conquering India. India in the medieval era was nothing but a group of small kingdoms who were always fighting with each other for expanding their territories. The British, being the smart cookies, they were, understood the topography and demographics of the country very well and started attaching themselves with each of those small rulers. They forced the guys to wage a war against each other and created such a confusion that finally the petty kings had no other go, but to surrender to the British. Anyways, it has been 60 years since India gained independence from the British and all of you might be wondering why I am going back to "Divide and Rule" now. I do have my reasons. I feel this is the ploy that is currently being used by our political leaders to expand their vote bank. How else would you describe all those hullabaloo that was created by Raj Thackeray's statements in Maharashtra about Mumbai? Look at the audacity with which he has declared that Mumbai belongs to Maharashtrians and no one else needs to bother. This is the height of stupidity and intolerance. How can a political leader make such a statement and that too about a cosmopolitan city like Mumbai! More than half of its population is from other parts of the country and definitely no one would agree if Raj says that the rest of India has not done anything for Mumbai. It is not out of nothing that Mumbai sprang and rose to the status of the biggest city in India. People from all parts of the country have come and settled down in the city and have contributed a great deal for the development of the city as well. Raj might have hogged a lot of limelight and his fanatic sena of sainiks would have created havoc in Mumbai and other parts of Maharashtra, but this is definitely not what is being expected of a political leader in a country like India, especially at such a stage of buoyancy and growth of the country. Raj needs to be corrected and all support to him and his party need to be withdrawn. My opinion is that he should be asked to apologize to the public for the statements he made for there is not even an iota of truth in whatever he has said. With the kind of anarchy that is prevalent in Karnataka these days, I really hope someone from Bangalore does not start treading Raj's footsteps...

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